Hall Of Fame | Techieey

Hall Of Fame

2. Bug Bounty Program

If you discover a security issue in our website or any of our application, please report it to us confidentially in order to protect the security of our products. Please email the details to our technical team at security@techieey.com. We will get back to you once we have investigated it completely.

Guidelines of our bug bounty program
  • Please do not use automated tools in your research without our explicit consent
  • We must be able to reproduce the security flaw from your report. Unclear or vague reports are not eligible for bug bounty. Reports that include clearly written explanations and working code/ Proof of concept videos are more likely to be eligible for bug bounty
  • Please avoid privacy violations, destruction of data and interruption or degradation of our service during your research
  • We try to investigate, fix and credit bugs in a timely manner. In such a case, we will only credit the first researcher to report an issue.
  • Rewards: If a bug/vulnerability is significant enough to warrant addition to our bug bounty program, we will add your name to our hall of fame.